Monday, August 11, 2008

Laura continues.....

Ahhh, Michelle, you just had to mention the passion pit. Shivers are commencing. I am almost unable to go on. But I shall.
I have learned the value of commitment from both my parent's, sometimes that is what staying together comes down to, but it also great place to start. These 25 years have had some rough spots, to say the least but I am going to just put it all out there and say that they have come through them with grace and sometimes super human strength. I have learned to fiercely defend and protect my children from their example. I have learned to see the humor in a lot of disheartening situations. I am still learning from them.
Now I am not as lucky as Michelle to be living with them, and witness all that lovin' first hand, but on occasion I too have witnessed a stolen kiss or two. My Dad will still tell me from time to time how beautiful Mom is and Mom will talk about Dad's "feats of strength" , as I like to call them, and neither one of them are under the influence of any sort of alcoholic beverage!! Now that to me is just plain sweet, until you remember they invented the passion pit.

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